know her name

Know Her Name (80 minutes) will air on Super Channel in May 2025.

It delves into the legacy of filmmakers and uncovers the mystery of why women, especially women from underrepresented communities like Zora Neale Hurston and Esther Eng, have been forgotten in discussions of film, erased through HISTORICAL AMNESIA – and, how to make sure this doesn’t continue to happen to contemporary filmmakers from diverse backgrounds, now and in the future.

Know Her Name explores how film history is documented and the inequities that exist within this process.

We interviewed well-known filmmakers including Deepa Mehta (FIRE, EARTH, WATER), Mary Harron (I SHOT ANDY WARHOL, AMERICAN PSYCHO), Victoria Hochberg (tv director since the 1970s), Jennifer Podemski (LITTLE BIRD), Dawn Wilkinson (BRILLIANT MINDS, ORPHAN BLACK), Aden Abebe (VIRGINS!), and many more. Our executive producers are Munire Armstrong (BIKINI MOOM, THE PROTECTOR) and Ngardy Conteh George (MR. JANE AND FINCH, BLACK COMMUNITY MIXTAPES).


EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Ngardy Conteh George and Munire Armstrong

DIRECTED BY: Zainab Muse

PRODUCED BY: Heidi Lasi and Zainab Muse

WRITTEN BY: Heidi Lasi and Zainab Muse


Watch it on SUPER CHANNEL (2025) and HOLLYWOOD SUITE (2026)

Canadian premiere: Hamilton Film Festival, October 2024

With support from Super Channel, Hollywood Suite, Inside Out Film Festival, and the Canada Media Fund.

For more information, contact Pelee Entertainment


HEIDI LASI, producer

An award-winning writer and producer, Heidi is excited about bringing the names of both pioneering and contemporaray filmmakers, and their contributions, to life so future generations will know their names.

She believes in the important contributions to culture made through filmmaking and loved every second of research and filmmaking that led to creating Know Her Name.


Zainab Muse, director / producer

Zainab Muse is an award-winning creative entrepreneur, filmmaker, author and educator. She is a leader in advocating for women’s entrepreneurship, creative entrepreneurship, and the intersectionalities between art, science, technology & society, as well as amplifying the narratives of unheard voices and underserved people.